Network Scaffold
Using Plastic Hoarding This September

Using Plastic Hoarding This September

By on Sep 15, 2022 in Blog, Plastic Hoarding |

Though it might not feel too long ago, we have not spoken to you about the many benefits of plastic hoarding since late March. Back then we were completely unaware of the many major events that would take place over the summer. A summer that saw the UK reach record high temperatures as well as countless other record breaking events taking place. 

In our previous blog regarding plastic hoarding, we touched on how plastic hoarding is frequently used at large scale events such as music festivals and concerts. As you might have guessed, these events are typically held during the summer period. Now that the summer period is almost over, you might be forgiven for thinking that there is little to no need for plastic hoarding, however, this is not the case. 

At Network Scaffolding, we don’t just supply high quality scaffolding in Derby, we also install and supply plastic hoarding too. Because of this, we have decided to detail reasons why you should still use plastic hoarding this September. 

Adherence To Health and Safety Regulations 

When it comes to construction, events and the overall wellbeing of employees and the general public, health and safety is of paramount importance. Plastic hoarding is a key element in regards to ensuring health and safety proceedings are upheld. Plastic hoarding has more benefits than simply deterring potential intruders, it is quite essential in the protection of your employees and the general public at large. 

In addition, you can rest assured that plastic hoarding service is carried out in accordance, just like other services offered at Network Scaffold, with the best health and safety regulation standards in mind.

Cost Effective 

Hoarding panels are found to be an incredibly cost effective security solution. Plastic hoarding systems are extremely effective at securing the site meaning there is less need for extra expenditure for other security measures. Furthermore; the boards can commonly be used more than once meaning you are not required to fork out on additional panels. This clearly highlights that hoarding systems are particularly good value for money. 

Securing The Site

No matter the site that is being serviced, be it office buildings, hospitals or,  perhaps more importantly, construction sites, the site being safe and secure is extremely important. 

Luckily, plastic hoarding does just this. As previously alluded to, plastic hoarding secures the site even before work commences, ensuring work can be carried out knowing that all safety precautions have been exhausted. 


Following on nicely from our previous point, when the site is so well secured and safe, a direct result of this is that the site is also incredibly private. While privacy is great for workers carrying out a role, privacy is also particularly important for projects such as events where they might be required to keep the project and its progression under wraps. 

We Offer Plastic Hoarding 

If you require plastic hoarding or scaffolding in Derby and surrounding areas, then please contact us today. We are sure our highly trained and accredited team will be able to help you.