Network Scaffold

Posts Tagged "coronavirus"

COVID-19 Scaffolding Advice from Scaffolding Association

COVID-19 Scaffolding Advice from Scaffolding Association

By on Jun 20, 2020 in Blog, Scaffolding |

As a member of the Scaffolding Association, Network Scaffold has been following the latest information released regarding new and adjusted working practices in the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic. For our latest blog, we are going to summarise the main points that all scaffolders and their clients should be aware of. 7 Ways Scaffolding Practices are Changing 1. Facemask Guidance – The HSE has issued a safety alert that states that all employers and suppliers should not purchase or use KN95 facemasks as PPE. 2. SMAS Worksafe Applications Reverted – With a lot of the industry back to work, whilst following social distancing guidelines, changes implemented to SSIP assessments have been removed. The process will now revert to normal from 30th June. 3. NHS Test and Trace – The NHS Test and Trace service has been launched nationwide. The guidance states that if you have come into close contact with someone who tests positive you will need to isolate for 14 days, even if you are showing no symptoms. 4. Safe Working Guidance – The UK government has released updated guidance for people who work in or run outdoor working environments, which has particular relevance for construction sites. 5. PPE Advice from HSE – The HSE has set up a dedicated section on their site regarding PPE for non-healthcare businesses. 6. Construction Workers Testing Eligibility – The UK government has confirmed that construction workers are eligible for coronavirus tests. This helps to safeguard site workers but please note, this is only intended for those showing symptoms of coronavirus. A coronavirus test can be booked on the Government’s website. 7. Scaffolding-specific Guidance on Social Distancing – Public Health England has issued sector-specific guidance on social distancing in the workplace. It states that construction work can continue in accordance with social distancing guidelines. There is the continued importance of frequent handwashing, good ventilation plus having a considered approach to enclosed machinery. Talk to our Scaffolding Specialists Today If you are looking for scaffolding services in Derby or Nottingham, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Network Scaffold...

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How Scaffolding Is Changing Due to COVID-19

How Scaffolding Is Changing Due to COVID-19

By on May 1, 2020 in Blog, Scaffolding |

New guidance has been released to scaffolders with changes to working practices due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Information from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy covers all those working outdoors and managing outdoor working environments (such as scaffolding). The intention is to give workers enough freedom within a practical framework to complete their work during the pandemic. Network Scaffold has been extremely strict with our working practices since the Coronavirus swept across the country. We will always look to complete our work in the safest environment for all involved; whilst adhering to social distancing techniques. Coronavirus Testing Available for Construction Workers The UK government has revealed that millions of more people are now eligible for Coronavirus tests, including construction workers. At this stage, tests are only intended for those showing symptoms of the virus. An expansion in testing has been made possible because of the introduction of home-testing kits. Mobile units are also been employed; staffed by the armed forces. Construction workers are able to book a test on the government’s test-booking website. 10 New Steps for Safety On-Site Here are ten simple steps that have been introduced to help keep construction workers safe and able to do their jobs. Regular updates on actions being taken to reduce risks of exposure in the workplace Make sure all contact numbers and emergency contact details are fully up to date Ensure managers can spot symptoms of coronavirus and know the actions they need to take Operatives are wearing gloves when handling materials and equipment Wash stations are provided with hot water and soap Encourage all staff to wash their hands regularly Schedule break times to reduce the number of people together in canteens at one time Avoid using shared pens when signing in and out of sites Wash or sanitise hands after the use of biometric sign-in. Provide hand sanitiser and tissues for workers Order Your Scaffolding from Network Scaffold Today We understand that working practices are changing in these unprecedented times but if require scaffolding for your project please contact us today. Network Scaffold provides scaffolding for customers across Derby, Nottingham and...

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The Impact of Coronavirus on the Scaffolding Industry

The Impact of Coronavirus on the Scaffolding Industry

By on Mar 13, 2020 in Blog, Scaffolding |

As the Coronavirus continues to spread all over the world, we need to look at how it could potentially impact the scaffolding sector. There have been thousands of cases reported worldwide, with 596 cases confirmed in the UK at the time of writing this post. Although drastic measures such as closing schools, cancelling events, banning large public gatherings and working from home have been mentioned – this simply isn’t possible within the scaffolding and wider construction industry. Reports have suggested that up to 80% of workers could be unable to work during the forthcoming weeks of the outbreak. Evidence has shown the COVID-19 virus is already present in the industry after EDF reported that one of its workers on Hinckley Point C where two nuclear reactors are being built, has contracted Coronavirus. The latest advice from the UK Government is that workers with symptoms of COVOD-19 are advised to self-isolate for two weeks. The Impact on the Supply Chain Supply chains could be impacted with some scaffolding materials like tube and fittings imported by some providers, from the virus’ country of origin – China. For Network Scaffold, and its employees it is very much business as usual unless we communicate otherwise. Advice on Avoiding Coronavirus The NHS has suggested the following measures to avoid catching and spreading coronavirus – • Wash your hands with soap and water often – do this for at least 20 seconds. • Always wash your hands when you get home or into work. • Use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze. • Put used tissues in the bin straight away and wash your hands afterwards. • Try to avoid close contact with people who are unwell. • Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean. Contact Us for More Information If you have any questions about our scaffolding services, please get in touch today. Network Scaffold offer scaffolding, access scaffolding, edge protection and alloy towers for projects right across Derbyshire and the surrounding...

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