Network Scaffold
COVID-19 Scaffolding Advice from Scaffolding Association

COVID-19 Scaffolding Advice from Scaffolding Association

By on Jun 20, 2020 in Blog, Scaffolding |

As a member of the Scaffolding Association, Network Scaffold has been following the latest information released regarding new and adjusted working practices in the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic.

For our latest blog, we are going to summarise the main points that all scaffolders and their clients should be aware of.

7 Ways Scaffolding Practices are Changing

1. Facemask Guidance – The HSE has issued a safety alert that states that all employers and suppliers should not purchase or use KN95 facemasks as PPE.

2. SMAS Worksafe Applications Reverted – With a lot of the industry back to work, whilst following social distancing guidelines, changes implemented to SSIP assessments have been removed. The process will now revert to normal from 30th June.

3. NHS Test and Trace – The NHS Test and Trace service has been launched nationwide. The guidance states that if you have come into close contact with someone who tests positive you will need to isolate for 14 days, even if you are showing no symptoms.

4. Safe Working Guidance – The UK government has released updated guidance for people who work in or run outdoor working environments, which has particular relevance for construction sites.

5. PPE Advice from HSE – The HSE has set up a dedicated section on their site regarding PPE for non-healthcare businesses.

6. Construction Workers Testing Eligibility – The UK government has confirmed that construction workers are eligible for coronavirus tests. This helps to safeguard site workers but please note, this is only intended for those showing symptoms of coronavirus. A coronavirus test can be booked on the Government’s website.

7. Scaffolding-specific Guidance on Social Distancing – Public Health England has issued sector-specific guidance on social distancing in the workplace. It states that construction work can continue in accordance with social distancing guidelines. There is the continued importance of frequent handwashing, good ventilation plus having a considered approach to enclosed machinery.

Talk to our Scaffolding Specialists Today

If you are looking for scaffolding services in Derby or Nottingham, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Network Scaffold today.