Network Scaffold
The Benefits of Internal Safety Decking

The Benefits of Internal Safety Decking

By on Nov 5, 2020 in Blog, Safety Decking |

Internal safety decking from Network Scaffold Services is a fantastic safety and loading solution for construction projects.

We have always prided ourselves on the safety of our systems, making an efficient working environment for your team.

Network Scaffold has recently started supplying this innovative fall prevention system and for this blog, we are going to share five benefits of using our system.

Our safety decking protects site workers from falling from a height which is the number one risk for scaffolders. They also provide a loadable working platform which is regularly required to successfully complete a construction project.

5 Reasons to Choose our Safety Decking

1. Cut Installation and Dismantling by 70% – Traditional tubular birdcages are tricky to put up and take back down. Using safety decking cuts the installation time and dismantling, including reducing labour for staff and get the overall job done faster.

2. Easy Pressure on the Level They Are Built From – Decking solutions are incredibly lightweight with any pressure built up being minimal. They will also limit the weight on the level itself by lowering the amount of loading needed. Instead, you will load on the deck.

3. A Self Contained System – Internal decking systems are an entirely standalone piece of equipment that is completely self-supporting, ensuring little to no disruption to projects when being brought in and taken back out.

4. Installation Doesn’t Require Working at Height – Throughout both the installation and dismantle of decking systems your workers will never need to worry about working at height.

5. Increased Load Capacity – Internal decking increases your load capacity when coupled with regular scaffolding. Your workers will be able to get on with their job, with little risk when getting on and off the scaffold.

Get in Touch For More Information

If you have any questions about Network Scaffold’s safety decking systems, please do not hesitate to contact us now.